The Mount Whitney Quest
Last time on There and Back Again: My sister and I were named after mountains. Ever since we were little, we talked of climbing our namesake mountains together. The stars must have aligned because we got the chance to climb Mt Whitney on my sister's birthday. With the years of expectation behind this lofty goal, it is no surprise that it was difficult and full of emotion. I've been struggling with a small knee injury from Antarctica ever since my return in February. With it sometimes hurting on trips to get groceries in Edinburgh, I didn't have high hopes of a real summit attempt and I hoped to just be able to make it to the base camp - although I was going to try for the summit I got the chance! Here's my best attempt to walk you through our quest for the summit. We've now made it up to Trail Camp (4000 ft out of 6000 ft up, and 6 out of 11 miles towards the summit), spent the night, and we're headed to the summit.
If you want to check this out in Google Earth, click here to download the kmz file or use the embedded viewer below to fly around our hiking path in 3D with the satellite images. If you click on the placemarks, you can see the photos from the blog in context. If the viewer below isn't working, you might need to download the Google Earth plugin, but the file above also works in Google Maps without a plugin.
18 July 2014
After a relatively decent night's sleep (for us, anyway), we tried to force ourselves to eat breakfast on stomachs that were not really in the mood so we would be ready to try for the summit. We headed up first thing in the morning, already on the trail by 07:15.
Heading out first thing in the morning. Here we go! (Photo by Ruth) |
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Another view of the switchbacks, camp, and beautiful moraines on the left. (Photo by Nico) |
Looking back towards camp and down at the switchbacks There are people on several of the >10 switchbacks visible in the photo. (Photo by Whitney) |
Switchback number 33, our 'birthday switchback' now that Nico is the same age as me again :) |
Nico and his brief love affair with the snow bank. He loved his cold hug :) |
Contemplation of my knee pain...up or down? |
Took two ibuprofen and headed up the hill. We'll see how it goes! |
We made it to Trail Crest! Nico's bandana had a dumbo thing going on from the wind |
The view opens up at Trail Crest and shows the first glimpse of the other side. (Photo by Whitney) |
This area is called the Windows for good reason. As you walk along, there are places where you can see out over the valley on both sides (and it drops off steeply on both sides!). The trail winds along the side of the cliff and climbs over little cutouts on rocky points, but it also starts to get harder, with the rocks and steps getting bigger and more difficult to navigate (or we were more tired?).
A view of the rocky trail. (Photo by Whitney) |
Standing in one of the trail cutouts. |
Standing on one of the 'windows,' a bridge where it drops off on either side, but it comes with a beautiful view. |
We didn't know how far we had come and we had no idea how long it would take us to reach the summit, so we just kept trudging along, not too fast and not too slow (well, slower than Whitney and Gavin, but we weren't passed by too many people). When we reached the junction with the John Muir Trail, the sign said 1.9 miles and this cheered us up - we thought we had already gone more than half way there!
Us pointing our way up the trail towards the summit. The sign says: Mt Whitney 1.9 miles. So close and yet so far. |
This looks representative of the trail on this section. Lots of bigger rocks and slow hiking. In some of the biggest cases, I had to sit on my butt and slide down! |
Shasta on the trail that is right before the summit. Almost there! |
14,508 ft (4422 m) ~11:45am (about 4.5 hours up)
I'm so incredibly happy that my sister got to celebrate her birthday on the summit! And even happier that we were able to be there with her!!!!
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View from the summit (Photo by Whitney) |
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View from summit (Photo by Nico). Note that the mountain on the right side of this panoramic overlaps with the left side of the previous photo. It's a great 360 degree view. |
We made it! |
The benchmark on the top of the mountain. You can tell which one is Nico's foot! |
The top is only halfway there - we still had to go back down! And the trip back down was what I was worried about. I made it to the top, but I hadn't been able to do much hiking on my knee and I wasn't sure how it would feel downhill - sometimes knees are much worse on the downhill than the up. So we cautiously started back down. We took it slow and planned to make it just down to Trail Camp for the night.
To put the whole trip in context, here are the elevation profiles for the two days of our trip:
We felt pretty good when we arrived back at the top of the switchbacks. We had enjoyed the hike back to them and we were even cracking jokes as we started down, but somewhere around 60 switchbacks in (out of the 100), they really started to become tedious and uncomfortable. The good news: My knee was not hurting in the already injured spot at all. The bad news: Both my knees were sore and tired from use and exhaustion (not to mention lots of other muscles at this point!). We were coming up on 10 miles for the day...
After the rest at Trail Camp, things felt better... for a while. Eventually, the soreness kicked back in with a vengeance and my hiking poles became pseudo-crutches for the last little bit to Outpost Camp. There was still good news: The injured spot in my knee still didn't hurt...although everything else did!
Outpost camp - feeling the aches and pains and tired again by the time we reached this point. Check out the waterfall at the far end! Amazing! |
We had camp set up quickly and we divided up the camp tasks so we could have dinner going quickly. We were in bed and asleep shortly after that.
Slap happy from exhaustion and filtering water for dinner that night. Trying to include some 'everyday life' pictures, but we were pretty tired by this point... |
We were on the trail by 07:15 in the morning (although that's not early on a trail that has day hikers starting at midnight and hiking for 20 hours!). It was, however, morning for wildlife families: We saw a mom & baby deer and mom & several baby mountain grouse on the trail (literally, the mom and her baby grouse walked past us on the trail!).
Our mountain grouse family - we had to step to the side of the trail while they walked around us. So cute! |
Back down to where we took our first break! Almost back! |
We made it off the mountain! With nobody truly broken! |
We reached Bakersfield by 1pm, and were sitting in a diner with lunch and milkshakes by 2. It was completely surreal. The mountain seemed a world away when we had only been off the trail for a couple of hours. The whole experience was over in less than 48 hours - we were all very happy for the second night on the mountain because it helped us appreciate the trip a bit longer (not to mention the knees were much happier going downhill after a bit of a break!). We didn't get very much further down the road before we decided to spend the night and take a very well-earned shower!
My childhood bucket list is quickly disappearing and I'm not sure what to do next. After so much traveling recently, I'm really looking forward to traveling around Scotland with friends and family this year (hint, hint!). Scotland is a beautiful place and it would be a shame to live here and not take full advantage of it. Although I don't promise there won't be a quick trip to Morocco to check off my seventh continent ;)
Interesting facts for the trip
(Note: all hiking times apply to Shasta, Nico, and Ruth - subtract one hour of hiking time for each section of trail for Whitney and Gavin, and a little bit more for Rod!)
Total mileage: 22 miles
Total elevation gain (and loss): 6148 ft
Heaviest Pack: Nico - 33 lbs
Total Time on the Trail (includes breaks, photo stops, etc.): 18.25 hours
Average speed: 1.2 mph; uphill speed: 0.98 mph; downhill speed: 1.6 mph
Total number of blisters for the group: 4 (5 if you include Nico's blisterception blister)
Record for largest blister: Nico (>1 inch long!)
Fastest hiker: Rod (by far!)
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